Complete care

up to
15 minutes flat rate Sfr. 40.-
45 minutes from Sfr. 75.-
60 minutes(1h) from Sfr. 95.-
90 minutes(1.5 h) from Sfr 145.-
120 minutes(2h) from Sfr. 190.-
150 minutes (2.5h) from Sfr. 235.-
180 minutes(3h) from Sfr. 285.-

*from = according to the intensity of the work (matting, dirt and weight of the dog = extra effort).


Teeth cleaning “High Tech” painless

In combination with complete care +Sfr. 65.-
Only dental hygiene about 1 hour Sfr. 150.-


We try to charge a fair and market price for our services, which is in line with the costs as well as the work intensity.